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I have come to realization that daycare is both a blessing and a curse. I absolutely love our daycare....it is the bomb-diggity as far as daycares go. They feed the kid organic, low sugar, nutritional foods, teach him sign language, pipe in classical music in the class room, read stories, do paintings and arts/crafts, and get some serious exercise. The teachers are so attentive and they are just really great with him and I just love them and feel so secure about them watching my precious child all day. Now, on the flipside, daycares can be a nightmare, as I've now experienced what every parent talks about....childhood sickness. Over the past 3 months, we've had conjunctivitis, bronchitis, multiple ear infections, Type B flu, fever, eczema and your typical, standard colds. And also, not only is your kid sick, he gives to you. Here mommy....here's some swine flu along with this drawing I made for you! I hope you like it! I know that it's hard for working parents to find someone to watch their offspring when they're sick. So many choose to bring them to daycare anyway, despite of their kid being extremely contagious. So their diseased kid plays with your kid and bam! The ENTIRE class, the rest of the parents, their friends, their dogs and anyone else that comes in contact has now become infected. So our latest debacle has been orbital cellulosis with a side of double ear infections. Look at my poor baby's eye:
He was not happy whatsoever and ended up having to get a shot in the leg. So what the heck is orbital cellulosis, you ask? It's apparently a bacterial infection that can result in vision damage and potential blindness, if left untreated. HOLY CRAP! Had I known there was all of these freaky diseases out there, I think I would've thought twice about going back to work. All I can say is when your kid is sick, please, please, please keep them at home, leave them with grandma or someone other than daycare, because they unknowingly infect the entire school and everyone else. Daycare is a giant petri-dish for ferocious viruses and bacteria. It's going to eventually turn me into a germaphobe before it's all over with!
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