Welcome to The Murphy Show!
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It's pretty amazing to think that just a year ago, I was about to give birth. Time has flown by so fast and I just know that one day I'm going to wake up and my kid is going to be moving out to go to college. I want to cherish this time as much as I can and lock it up somewhere, so I can take it out and look at it over and over again. He's doing so many new things each day and it just amazes me that this little thing, once kicking ferociously and doing sommersaults in my belly, is now this little person, who has his own special personality. This year marks a year full of firsts for us....first baby, first time mother and father, first labor pains, first car ride home from the hospital, first time breastfeeding, first bottle, first poopy diaper, first bath, first smile, first time sleeping the whole night, first time rolling over, first crawl, first solid food (sweet potatoes!), first tooth (well, first 4 teeth as he sprouted 4 at the same time), first haircut, first Halloween, first Christmas, first drawing, first time to stand up by himself, first official word and first offical hug and kiss. He's just now trying to talk and so far we have these words down pat....Da-da (it's so not fair), Doggie (but it comes out sounding like De-de, but he points to the dogs and says it consistantly), Ma-ma (but only if he's really upset), and the newest one is Dude! The fact that my kid is saying Dude really cracks me up! Kind of makes me wonder just how much I say dude....which I know is probably too much! Oh well, I gotta be me, right? He's also trying to walk. He can walk like a champ if you hold his hands or or if he's hanging on to something. He also can haul some serious booty, if he's in his walker. But on his own, he's trying to get the hang of standing up and balancing. He's can stand on his own for about 30 seconds and falls down on his bottom. So it won't be long until he's actually walking. He's just growing up so fast! It makes me happy to be a part of something so important, so special. I'm just sad that it is going by so fast! So as we gear up for his first birthday, I'm definitely looking forward to more firsts with my precious, precious baby boy.

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