I might be thought of a bit of a sap and melancholy (and I'm sure it's hormonal too) for writing this, but I don't care. My first reaction to anything that's wrong in the cosmos is to try to fix it somehow, but right now, I feel a little helpless to help, so maybe writing this down will in a way, will make me feel a little more compassionate, at the very least? I guess that's my way of helping as much as I know how to. I have 2 friends that are going through some rough times right now. I'm not a religious person, so saying I'll pray for them is pretty insignificant and probably doesn't allow for much comfort, when you consider the source. But I am thinking of both of them, because they are 2 very dear friends of mine and I can only imagine how hard and how much emotion each of them must be experiencing at the moment.
One friend's father passed away recently. He had been sick for a long time and even though she hasn't seen him in a years, it still doesn't ease the pain of her loss any less. I can only imagine the family drama she must be going through as well. This person is not one to show much emotion, well, not sadness at least. She has no problem letting you know if she's unhappy or irritated or pmsing...and just hope you're not the one who gets in her way when she drives, as you are sure to experience road rage from hell! But for this person to tell me that she's not sure how to handle something or how much heartache she's feeling is quite significant. I wish I could just put a big emotional band aid on her to help her feel better, but I can't. All I can do is be the supportive friend I am and be here when she needs it. It just doesn't ease the hurt I feel for her though. I guess only time will heal that.
My other friend has got to be one of the most amazing people I know. Her and her husband recently became foster parents and have taken in 2 small boys and have had them since Christmas of last year. That's ample time to form a very strong bond with these kids and to love and adore them as their own. She found out they were getting them a week before Christmas and managed to have tons of presents ready for them just in time, gave one of them a birthday party for their first birthday, made sure they were in a good daycare, nurtured them when they were sick, and took care of these boys like any loving parent would. CPS has managed to work out a permanent living arrangement with the boys' Aunt and on Monday, they went back to live with her. As a mother myself, I can't even begin to imagine how painful that must be...to let them go to someone else and never to see them or watch them grow up. I'm tearing up from writing this, but it helps to know that these boys will be well taken care of and will be in a good and stable home from here on out. However, it has got to take tremendous strength to endure the hole it's left and I know I couldn't do it. That's one reason this person is so amazing to me...because of her strength. And as if that wasn't hard enough to deal with, her Aunt also passed away suddenly too right about the same time they were preparing for the boys to leave. The good news is that they are getting ready to adopt a baby boy in July, but there can be some complications with this little one, as he's not developing on schedule as he should. So my heart is going out to her and her family and I can only hope that things turn out positively, so they can finally have the happiness they so truly deserve.
Again....emotional band aid needed! And maybe a box of kleenex!
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- Amber
- Dallas, TX
- I'm a wife, a mom, a dog owner, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a spaz, a dreamer, an optimist, a procrastinator, a nerd lover, a food nazi, a fixer, a hippie reincarnate and a human.
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I love you Amber! I really really really do! You are such a great friend and the fact that our problems or sadness or grief affects you this way just proves over and over again how special you are. I am so very blessed to have you in my life and I thank God that he put you in my path. I love you lots!